Cookies are going away!


Web development ∙ SEO

Cookies are disappearing. This is due to several reasons, but primarily because it is difficult to know who has access to what information and whether the user is aware of it.

What is a cookie?

Cookies are files with information that allow the browser and your website to save data about their users. If you visit a website, add items to your cart, or change settings, these preferences are saved so that you can pick up where you left off next time. By accepting cookies, the website saves your preferences to improve your user experience. You can read more about what cookies are and what happens when you accept them in our other article here.

Why third-party cookies?

First-party cookies

These are cookies that the website itself has full control over and can save. They are stored on a local server and are used to facilitate your experience, such as remembering your cart or your login details.

Third-party cookies

These are external services that the website has implemented to track your data and usage across different platforms and websites. This can be to access analytics tools like Google Analytics and Hotjar, or to optimize and offer ads tailored specifically for you.

Both types require cookies and that the user accepts them to comply with GDPR regulations. However, with the disappearance of third-party cookies, some essential functions on your website might be lost, which you need to review.

Why are cookies being removed?

Cookies are being removed to make the web safer, more private, and more controlled over who has access to your personal preferences. Today, it is difficult to use a website without using cookies, and even harder to control what the company uses this information for. The ultimate goal is to reduce the spread of data between different websites without compromising the functionality of the web.

When will cookies disappear?

According to Google, third-party cookies will likely disappear entirely by 2025. Some browsers have already started, but by then they will be gone for good. It is important to review how your website uses cookies and what impact their disappearance will have. Often, not all the cookies used are necessary, so this could be a good opportunity to review which data is relevant. There are solutions for monitoring and analyzing website usage that do not require the use of cookies.

We are happy to help ensure that you use cookies correctly without violating GDPR.

Ludvig Risbecker

Ludvig Risbecker

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